Hello World!

Hello World!

I absolutely NEVER EVER thought I would be one to start a blog. I wouldn’t say that I am a shy person, but I am much more open chatting in person than I am online. However, since my husband and I met in 2012, we are constantly asked “and WHAT did the Kitchens do this weekend?” As if we are always up to something crazy and unique. I don’t feel that our weekend passions are anything out of the ordinary, but I will admit that I feel we have our hands in many different hobbies which always keeps things interesting. So a little background about me, I am married to an amazing husband who loves fishing, woodworking, glass cutting, and tinkering on old cars (just to name a few). We have a wonderful son (2.5 years old) and a pound puppy fur baby (June) who is about 11 years old. I went to school for biology and work in the world of environmental remediation and monitoring. I (like the rest of my family) love the outdoors. Being outside is what brings me peace. In 2018, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, so you will notice that many of my recipes are Autoimmune Protocol (or Autoimmune Paleo or AIP) as I feel that the right nutrition can help to heal your body and soul. The original goal of this blog was to show you how I batch cook and fill our freezer with AIP compliant foods (mostly) to be able to feed our family healthy meals throughout the week while still maintaining a full time job (and 3 hour round trip commute). Along with that, I hope to show you my other food preservation, gardening, chicken, beekeeping, and many other hobbies. Life is short. Surround yourself with those you love. Eat Well. Smile more. Laugh! and ENJOY!