Fairy Garden Terrarium

Fairy Garden Terrarium

For Locryn’s biology/ecological lesson today (and to satisfy Mom’s desire to decorate her Sunroom), we built a fairy garden terrarium!

We learned how a terrarium or ecosystem needs certain things to survive! Light, Water, and Nutrients!

Getting to work

Steps To Create A Happy Terrarium:

1. Choose and clean a container made of clear glass. You want the plants to be able to receive light.

2. Line the bottom of the container with small rocks or pebbles to allow for drainage. This helps the plants from getting soggy roots which can rot.

3. Add about 1/2 inch layer of activated charcoal. This also helps with drainage but will control any odor that might occur.

4. Add about 1/2 to 1 inch layer of quality potting soil.

5. Arrange and plant your plants!!! Most plant nurseries now sell cute little plants specifically selected to grown well in terrariums. You should pick several different plants of varying sizes, colors, and textures to help make your terrarium aesthetically pleasing!

6. Next add a layer of Sphagnum moss over any exposed soil. This will be both beautiful and keep moisture in the soil.

7. Locryn’s favorite part was step 7 – Decorating with fairies, crickets, or other fun terrarium figurines!

You now have a beautiful whimsical fairy garden!!

Terrarium Care Tips:

1. Check on your fairy garden once a week. If the soil is dry, water with a spray bottle. You want the garden to be damp, not soaking wet.

2. If you used a closed air tight container, take top off once a month to air it out.

Watering with a spray bottle