Locryn’s Suncatcher

COVID19 times remain crazy. I will be perfectly honest that the last month got a little hectic in the Kitchen house. I had some big work deadlines that had to be accomplished (let’s not forget trying to accomplish those while teleworking with a toddler). Chores and blogging fell to the side as my priorities had to temporarily shift. We made it through thanks to lots of time outside, supportive family, and good friends!!
This post was inspired by a good friend, Hansje Gold-Krueck! She too is rocking the teleworking with a toddler life. Somehow she found time in all of her daily to-dos to construct and send Locryn the most amazing suncatcher activity! Thank you Hansje!
I will preface that Hansje has some incredible artistic skills! She cut the letter L (for Locryn) out of black cardstock, along with many of the animals that Locryn has met over our Locryn Biology Lessons. These animals include a moth, cricket, frog, skink, spider, turtle, rolly polly, and snail! For those of you wanting to recreate this activity at home, you could create any shape with a mostly open center.

She also sent us an assortment of colored tissue paper. Locryn had a blast working on his cutting skills. He cut ‘squares’ of varying sizes and colors!
I helped Locryn place the “L” cardstock on a sheet of sticky contact paper (which Hansje also sent us in our kit!!). I let Locryn go to town on covering his “L” with all the different cut tissue paper. When he was finished, I simply lay a second sheet of sticky contact paper down on top. Locryn was able to help smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. DONE!

It is now hanging in our front window. I highly recommend this activity for toddlers as they are able to be involved in the whole project process: preparation (cutting squares), creating (placing the squares on the contact paper), and completion (smoothing out the contact paper and hanging in the window)!

To recap the necessary supplies: scissors, cardstock, tissue paper, sticky contact paper, and string/tape to hang it up!
Thank you again Hansje!