Name that Scat

Name that Scat

You cannot be a true outdoorsman/woman without knowing a bit about scat! Besides, what potty training toddler doesn’t want to learn about POOPY!

Once Locryn realized what he saw was animal POOPY, his first response was quite normal – YUCKY! He probably didn’t realize that his crazy mother was going to go into a five minute discussion about how cool the poopy (or scat as I was teaching him to call it) was. Good thing he isn’t embarrassed of me yet.

By identifying the scat in your area, you can figure out what animals pass through when you aren’t looking. If there is a fair amount of that particular scat, you can assume they frequent it often (probably living nearby). Locryn and I were also able to determine that the animal frequenting our yard ate grass as we could see bits of vegetation in the scat.

So, what animal produced this scat do you ask?………..