Roly-Poly Bugs

To continue with Locryn’s daily biology lessons on our COVID19 quarantine adventure, we played with Roly-Poly Bugs (sometimes called Pill Bugs)! For those who don’t know, Locryn is our almost three year old who is enjoying learning about the natural world around him. As a family, we are enjoying the slower pace of quarantine and the chance to re-appreciate all the fascinating animals, plants, and phenomenons around us. Today, we identified and appreciated what the Roly-Poly does for our garden!
Who doesn’t remember playing with Roly-Poly bugs as a kid? Locryn enjoys having them crawl across his hands and curl up into a tiny ball! They eat decaying plant material and help clean up your soil. You should be able to find them in your garden easily! They like to hide under rocks, stepping stones, and flower pots.