Preparing For The Unexpected

Preparing For The Unexpected

As States are slowly reopening, I am starting to realize that I will have to rejoin the general public again soon. I have hardly left my house in over 2 months. My family has found it’s new routine with teleworking and chasing an almost three year old around the house and yard. We have found new hobbies. We have grown individually and as a family. Changing routine again will be hard (particularly for our toddler).

Heading back to work feels almost daunting to me. There is still so much uncertainty. Not only if it is safe to go back now but will there be another wave of COVID19? Is our family prepared? We are entering hurricane season; will we be needing to prepare to house evacuees?

I thought that I would share some of the questions I have been asking myself and steps I am doing to prepare for the next chapter of uncertainty. I have also included a few thoughts for others to consider. Hope they help!

1. What foods have we relied on over these last 2 months of quarantine? For us it was good olive oils, quinoa, rice, potatoes, fermented veggies, frozen veggies (when we couldn’t get fresh), tuna fish, assorted meats in the freezer, broth (canned and frozen), eggs (thankfully we have chickens), coffee, tea, and WINE. Keep your list of items stocked.

2. Don’t let your paper towels or toilet paper supply get low. We have actually invested in some reusable paper towels (but old rags work great as well).

3. Don’t run out of household cleaners.

4. What hobbies have you enjoyed? I will make sure I have enough craft supplies on hand for our toddler (Popsicle sticks, pom poms, glue, clothespins, markers, food dye, paints, etc). Did you enjoy baking bread or brewing kombucha over quarantine? You might want keep yeast, sugar, tea, and flour on hand.

5. If you live on the coast, you should think about your hurricane preparedness kit. Go ahead and stock up on water and batteries now. If you don’t use them, oh well! You will after hurricane season.

6. Those with infants- diapers, wipes, extra formula, powdered milk.

Thinking ahead on some of these items will help you be ahead of the game. Being prepared diminishes stress levels and allows you to use your energy on other things (like chasing a toddler). I’ll know that we will be prepared for whatever uncertainty comes next. We got this!