Dada Finds a Hammerhead Worm

Dada Finds a Hammerhead Worm

This morning, Dada found an interesting creature for “Locryn’s Biology Lesson.” Have you ever seen a hammerhead worm?

Hammerhead worms are from the genus Bipalium. They are also sometimes called broadhead planarians (flatworms) due to their distinct shovel-like head shape. Depending on the species, they can grow between 5 and 20 cm long! They are invasive and thought to have been introduced to the United States and Europe through horticulture plants from tropical and subtropical areas. They prefer areas with high humidity and prey on earthworms, slugs, and insect larvae.

Side fact that was not explained to our toddler: The hammerhead worm wraps around it’s prey and secretes neurotoxins to immobilize it. The specific neurotoxin used is tetrodotoxin which is also found in pufferfish, blue-ringed octopus, and rough-skinned newts. Tetrodoxin was not thought to occur in any terrestrial invertebrate prior to discovery of the hammerhead worm.

Hammerhead Worm