Blog Update – COVID Reality

Blog Update – COVID Reality

When I started this blog in January 2020, I had no idea what was in store in March. I don’t think anyone in the world did. I, like many, was running around like a crazy woman trying to commute 3 hours a day, work full time, cook healthy meals for my family, care for my family (husband, 3 year old son, 11 year old puppy, and a mess of chickens), and manage my chronic autoimmune illness. The goal of my blog when I started was to share how I handled all my meal prepping and planning (mainly Autoimmune Paleo) in our crazy hectic life along with sharing our weekend hobbies (hence the name “Kitchen Weekend”).

Then COVID hit the world, and life…..slowed down. To be completely honest, I am enjoying a lot of what the pandemic has brought into our lives. I am thankful and enjoy the simplicity that it has brought. I am now teleworking and no longer spend 3 hours a day commuting to and from work. We aren’t running errands. We are waiting until we have a large list of necessities and having them delivered (can you say-saving money!). Time moves slower. We are in the moment. We have time to create, to just “be”, and to hear our own thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong. I want this pandemic to be over. I want my child to be able to attend a large birthday party. I would like to be able to fly and travel without fear. As an immune compromised individual, the pandemic brings additional stress to my life and those around me. However, the pandemic has taught me a lot about what I and my family needed to be happy and healthy. We needed to slow down.

So, if you hadn’t noticed, my blog took a turn before it even really started. Instead of blogging about the craziness that was my pre-pandemic life. It became more about the hobbies that we can now dabble in daily, the flora and fauna in our backyard that we have been teaching our toddler (Locryn’s Daily Biology Lessons), and (the biggest surprise to me) the lessons, crafts, and activities I have been able to participate and plan with our three year old. Life is still crazy. My husband and I are both teleworking full time in a house with a three year old. Healthy meals are still thrown in a crockpot, sous vide, or instant pot. But, we aren’t just trying to survive the grind anymore. I feel that we are finally getting to live and thrive as a family.

When my three-year old comes up to me and declares: “MOM! I have an idea!” I can now reply with: “What supplies can I get you?”

I hope you enjoy the twist my blog has taken. I hope you are able to appreciate the simplicity that the pandemic has brought. We hope you all ENJOY!