Cleaning Schedule?

Cleaning Schedule?

With our family home a lot more, I am finding that I need to stay more on top of the house cleaning.  As we are constantly in the garden, we are always tracking dirt (and who knows what else) in on our shoes.  Cleaning is definitely not my favorite thing to do but having a clean home makes me feel better, calmer (not to mention healthier).  For those that don’t read the “Locryn Biology Lessons” series, we have a toddler so having a tidy house is always a struggle.

I was speaking recently to a close friend.  We are both currently in the situation where we are working from home with our partners due to the COVID19 pandemic while also teaching and caring for our children. That situation alone is busy before you add a cleaning schedule on top.  It got me thinking about cleaning schedules. What does your family do?  My friend’s family follows a once a week -clean the whole house schedule.  It’s one day and the family chips in together to knock it out! My family splits things up throughout the week.

Kitchen Family Cleaning Schedule:

TuesdayKitchen counters, microwave, and oven (if needed)
WednesdayVacuum/sweep house. Replace sheets and towels
ThursdayKitchen floor
FridayKitchen counters, microwave, and oven (if needed)
SaturdayVacuum/sweep house. Dust blinds, pictures, and lamps
SundayKitchen Floor. Trash to dump

Each weekend we also pick 1 “big” chore to tackle that can be done anytime throughout the weekend. Examples of some “big” chores include cleaning the fans, washing windows, wiping the baseboards, washing shower curtains, cleaning the trashcan, cleaning bath toys, cleaning the fridge, etc.

What does your family do? Do you get your children involved? Locryn (who is almost three) is always given a rag or towel to help dust, clean counters and windows. He collects cups throughout the house for the dishwasher. He climbs into the bathtub to help me clean bath toys. He also assists in changing the bed sheets. I will admit that chores take three times longer with his help, but he is learning how to accomplish necessary chores and how to take care of his home and belongings.

What does your family do to stay on top of the cleaning?