Chamomile and Lavender

Chamomile and Lavender

It is not too late to plant some chamomile and lavender in your garden! Chamomile is easy to start by seed. Lavender, on the other hand, is particularly hard to start from seed, so I would suggest purchasing a small plant from your local garden nursery. Just remember to plant them in full sun!

Besides looking beautiful, both of these plants have wonderful health benefits. There are so many ideas out there for using these plants. These are just my personal plans.

Chamomile: Once my chamomile flowers, I plan to pick the flowers and dry them. Once they dry, you can grind them up to make your own chamomile tea! Did you know that chamomile tea can help with: lowering blood sugar, reducing inflammation, sleep and relaxation, and reducing cold symptoms?

Lavender: I have 2 plans for my lavender- (1) Dry some of the flowers and hang them in our bedrooms to help everyone have sweet dreams at night. (2) Make a fresh lavender tea to add to lemonade or perhaps a lovely gin cocktail. Lavender can help reduce blood pressure, ease digestive issues, and improve sleep.

Please feel free to share what you love to do with your chamomile and lavender harvests!