Chamomile and Lavender

Chamomile and Lavender

It is not too late to plant some chamomile and lavender in your garden! Chamomile is easy to start by seed. Lavender, on the other hand, is particularly hard to start from seed, so I would suggest purchasing a small plant from your local garden 

Cleaning Schedule?

Cleaning Schedule?

With our family home a lot more, I am finding that I need to stay more on top of the house cleaning.  As we are constantly in the garden, we are always tracking dirt (and who knows what else) in on our shoes.  Cleaning is 

Preparing For The Unexpected

Preparing For The Unexpected

As States are slowly reopening, I am starting to realize that I will have to rejoin the general public again soon. I have hardly left my house in over 2 months. My family has found it’s new routine with teleworking and chasing an almost three 

Ginger Beer and a Pig Chase

Ginger Beer and a Pig Chase

Was another entertaining day in the Kitchen household and neighborhood. As I am sitting here with a lovely vodka cocktail, I will promise you that there were no cocktails involved in the story that I am about to tell you. However, the homemade ginger beer 

Fairy Garden Terrarium

Fairy Garden Terrarium

For Locryn’s biology/ecological lesson today (and to satisfy Mom’s desire to decorate her Sunroom), we built a fairy garden terrarium! We learned how a terrarium or ecosystem needs certain things to survive! Light, Water, and Nutrients! Steps To Create A Happy Terrarium: 1. Choose and 

Hello World!

Hello World!

I absolutely NEVER EVER thought I would be one to start a blog. I wouldn’t say that I am a shy person, but I am much more open chatting in person than I am online. However, since my husband and I met in 2012, we