Chamomile and Lavender

Chamomile and Lavender

It is not too late to plant some chamomile and lavender in your garden! Chamomile is easy to start by seed. Lavender, on the other hand, is particularly hard to start from seed, so I would suggest purchasing a small plant from your local garden 

Hardiness of Plants

Hardiness of Plants

For those of you new to this blog, WELCOME! I will be honest that sometimes I feel that the original goal of this blog shifted slightly as we have been quarantined due to COVID19. But in reality, it hasn’t. The primary goal of Kitchen Weekend 

Garden Snails

Garden Snails

Today, Locryn spotted a common snail in our vegetable garden. To be honest, snails are pretty cool to watch. Slowly and meticulously moving along, they can consume rotting plant material like leaf litter. They are a good food source for snakes, birds, lizards, and mammals. 

Bush Beans (we think)

Bush Beans (we think)

Besides the pride of being able to grow your own food (we would love to have our own little Kitchen farm one day), we love teaching our son where his food comes from. Apples are not just bought at the store. They grow on trees