Bush Beans (we think)

Bush Beans (we think)

Besides the pride of being able to grow your own food (we would love to have our own little Kitchen farm one day), we love teaching our son where his food comes from. Apples are not just bought at the store. They grow on trees at an apple orchard. They are picked, packaged, and shipped to markets and stores all around the country. We go and buy them at the local farmers market or store (Yes. There are many more steps involved, but we are keeping things three year old simple).

Towards the end of February, I gave my son several packets of seeds – bush beans, pole beans, yellow squash, basil, etc. He planted them in little pots to grow in our Sunroom until it was warm enough to plant them outside. I will be completely honest. I have no idea which seed was planted where. Even when we transplanted the seedlings in late March, it was still a bit of a guessing game for some of the plants. But, Locryn’s vegetables were growing!

Since the seedlings were planted, he has gone down to check on them every morning, keep them watered, and tend to the weeds (with Mom’s help). Today, we saw our first baby bush beans (at least I think they are the bush beans!). I wish I could express how excited our toddler was! He planted. He cared for. He grew his own food! Now to hold the excitement back until they are ready to harvest!

Bush Beans!